
  1. X. Zhao, K. H. Montgomery, and J. M. Woodall, “Growth of AlGaAs Solar Cells by Liquid-Phase Epitaxy for Tandem Solar Cell Applications.” at the Electronic Materials Conference (EMC), Columbus, OH (2015).
  2. X. Zhao, K. H. Montgomery, and J. M. Woodall, “AlGaAs Solar Cells Grown by Liquid Phase Epitaxy for Dual Junction Solar Cells Based on c-Si Bottom Sub-Cell.” at the 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Denver, CO (2014).
  3. K. H. Montgomery, Q. Nian, X. Zhao, H. U. Li, G. J. Cheng, T. N. Jackson, and J. M. Woodall, “Development of ZnO-InP Heterojunction Solar Cells for Thin Film Photovoltaics.” at the 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Denver, CO (2014).
  4. K. H. Montgomery, C. Heredia, and J. M. Woodall, “Design and Modeling of a High Efficiency Hybrid Photovoltaic-Photothermal Concentrator (PVPTC) System.” at the 39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Tampa, FL (2013).
  5. K. H. Montgomery, Q. Nian, X. Zhao, H. U. Li, G. J. Cheng, T. N. Jackson, and J. M. Woodall, “Revisiting ZnO/InP Heterojunction Solar Cells.” at the Electronic Materials Conference (EMC), South Bend, IN (2013).
  6. X. Zhao, K. H. Montgomery, and J. M. Woodall, “Layered Growth of Lattice-Mismatched GaInP on GaP Substrates by Liquid Phase Epitaxy.” at the Electronic Materials Conference (EMC), South Bend, IN (2013).
  7. J. M. Woodall. “Heterogeneous integration of semiconductor materials: basic issues, current progress, and future prospects.” at the SPIE Conference, Baltimore, MD, April 23-27, 2012.
  8. K. H. Montgomery, X. Zhao, and J. M. Woodall, “Luminescence in LPE AlGaAs Near the Direct-Indirect Transition Point.” at the Electronic Materials Conference (EMC), State College, PA (2012).
  9. K. H. Montgomery, Dionisis Berdebes, Jayprakash Bhosale, Jerry M. Woodall, and Mark S. Lundstrom. “Photoluminescence Excitation Spectroscopy of p-GaAs Surfaces and AlGaAs/GaAs Interfaces Supported by Numerical Modeling.” at the 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Austin, TX (2012).
  10. K. H. Montgomery, D. Berdebes, J. Bhosale, J. M. Woodall, and M. S. Lundstrom, “Photoluminescence Excitation Spectroscopy of p-GaAs Surfaces and AlGaAs/GaAs Interfaces Supported by Numerical Modeling,” in 38th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Austin, TX, 2012.
  11. K. H. Montgomery, M. S. Lundstrom, and J. M. Woodall. “In-Line Characterization of Solar Cells by Excitation Photoluminescence.” at TECHCON 2011, Austin, TX (2011).
  12. K. H. Montgomery and J. M. Woodall. “Moving past 2.0eV: Engineered ZnSe-GaAs alloys for multijunction solar cells.” at the 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Honolulu, HI (2010).
  13. G. Choi, J. T. Ziebarth, J. M. Woodall, R. Kramer, D. Sherman, C. R. Allen. “Mechanism of Hydrogen Generation via Water Reaction with Aluminum Alloys.” at Micro/Nano Symposium (UGIM), 2010 18th Biennial University/Government/Industry, West Lafayette, IN, June 2010.
  14. J.M. Woodall, C.R. Allen, K.H. Montgomery, J-H. Jeon, I. Wildeson, A.K.Ramdas. “Gettered GaP Substrates for Improved Multi-junction Solar Cell Devices.” at the Electronic Materials Conference (EMC), South Bend, IN (2010).
  15. K. H. Montgomery, S. Agarwal, G. Klimeck, J. Woodall. “Proposal of ZnSe/GaAs Digital Alloys for High Band Gap Solar Cells and True Green LEDs.” at the IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, Traverse City, MI (2009).
  16. K. H. Montgomery, J. Jeon, J. M. Woodall, Q. Zhang, M. C. Tamargo. “ZnSe: A Material to Improve Efficiencies for Current Solar Cell Multi-junction Stacks.” at the Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2009).
  17. J.T. Ziebarth, J.M. Woodall, G. Choi, C.R. Allen, J-H. Jeon, D.M. Sherman, and R. Kramer, “Splitting Water with Al Rich Alloys: Structure and Reaction Kinetics”, TMS 2009 Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Feb. 15-19, 2009, San Francisco, CA.
  18. J.M. Woodall, J.T. Ziebarth, C.R. Allen, J-H. Jeon, G. Choi, and R. Kramer, “Generating Hydrogen on Demand by Splitting Water with Al Rich Alloys”, Proc. of the 2008 Clean Technology Conference and Trade Show,  June 1-5, 2008, Boston, MA.
  19. J.M. Woodall, J.T. Ziebarth, C.R. Allen, D.M. Sherman, J-H. Jeon, and G. Choi, “ Recent Results on Splitting Water with Aluminum Alloys”, Proc. Materials Innovations in an Emerging Hydrogen Economy, Feb. 24-27, 2008, Cocoa Beach, FL.
  20. J.M. Woodall, J.T. Ziebarth, C.R. Allen, “The Science and Technologyt of Al-Ga Alloys as a Material for Energy Storage, Transport, and Splitting Water”., Proc. Of the ASME 2nd Energy Nanotechnology International Conference, Sept. 5-7, 2007 Santa Clara, CA.
  21. J.M. Woodall “QDs and Nanowires: What About Surface Fermi Level Pinning?”, 6th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, Cincinnati, OH June 2006.
  22. A. Yulius, and J.M. Woodall, “High Quality Epitaxially-grown InAs on GaP Substrates”,  Semiconductor Devices Research Symposium, (2005) p.147.
  23. Y. Sun, A. Yulius, and J.M. Woodall,  “A High Performance Photodetector using a Novel Drift Dominated Structure in Defected Materials”, Device Research Conference, 2, (2004) p. 2.
  24. A. Chen, and J.M. Woodall, “Recent Results in InGaP Schottky Diodes and GaP FETs”, Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, (2003) p.372.
  25. H. Tsukamoto, T.D. Boone, and J.M. Woodall, “A Concept of Semiconductor Opical Routing Device Utilizing Minority Carrier Drift”, Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, (2003) p. 516.
  26. Y. Sun, J.C. Campbell, Shuling Wang, A.L. Beck, A. Chen, A. Yulius, and J.M. Woodall, “Drift Dominated InP Photodetectors with High Quantum Efficiency”, IEEE IPRM Conf.  (2003) p. 502.
  27. Y. Sun, J.M. Woodall, J.L. Freeouf, and R. J. Walters, “Radiation Hard and Gravimetric Efficient Thin Film InP Solar Cells”, IEEE Photovoltaic Spec. Conf. 29  (2002) p. 994.
  28. A.L. Beck, C.J. Collins, S. Wang, B. Yang, J.C. Campbell, A. Yulius, A. Chen, and J.M. Woodall, “UV/Blue GaP Avalanche Photodiodes”, IEEE LEOS, (2002)  p. 837.
  29. R.D. Koudleka, J.M. Woodall,  and E.S. Harmon “Novel Light Emitting Device with Ultrafast Color Switching”  IEDM Tech. Digest, (2002) p. 99.
  30. K, Shiojima, J.M. Woodall, C.J. Eiting, P.A. Grudowski, R.D.  Dupuis, “Effect of defect density on the electrical characteristics of Ni/n-GaN contacts”, Source  Compound Semiconductors 1998.Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors. IOP Publishing, Bristol, UK; 1999; xxvi+892 pp.781-6.
  31. D.B. Janes, R.P. Andres, E-H. Chen, N.P. Chen, R. Reifenberger, T. Lee, J. Liu, M.R. Melloch, H.J. Ueng, J.M.Woodall, “A nanoscale ohmic contact for nanoelectronic devices”,  1999 57th Annual Device Research Conference Digest (Cat.No.99TH8393). IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA; 1999; xii+204 pp. 60-1.
  32. V. Gopal, E-H. Chen, E.P. Kvam, J.M. Woodall, “Unique defect-induced donor structure at the lattice mismatched InAs/GaP heterointerface”, III-V and IV-IV Materials and Processing Challenges for Highly Integrated Microelectronics and Optoelectronics. Symposium. Materials Res. Soc, Warrendale, PA, USA; 1999; xiii+308 pp. 65-70.
  33. K.Shiojima, J.M.Woodall, C.Eiting, R.Dupuis, “Effect of Defect Density on the Electrical Characteristics of Ni/n-GaN Contacts”, IOP Conf. Series (162) 1999; p. 781-786.
  34. J.A. Cooper, S.H. Ryu, Y.Li, M. Matin, J. Spitz, D.T. Morisette, H.M. McGlothlin, M.K. Das, M.R. Melloch, M.A. Capano, J.M. Woodall, “Sic Power Electonic Devices, MOSFETs and Rectifiers”, Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors for High-Power, High-Frequency and High-Temperature Applications – 1999. Symposium. Mater. Res. Soc, Warrendale, PA, USA; 1999; xiii+559 p.3-14.
  35. D.Janes, J.Woodall, “Self-assembly Based Approaches for Metal/Molecule/Semiconductor Nanoelectronic Circuits”, Proc. IEEE 9th Great Lakes Sym. on VLSI, IEEE Comp Sci, 114 (1999).
  36. G.M. Dolny, D.T. Morisette, P.M. Shenoy, M. Zafrani, J. Gladish, J.M. Woodall, J.A.  Cooper, Jr., M.R. Melloch, “Static and dynamic characterization of large-area high-current-density SiC Schottky diodes”, 56th Annual Device Research Conference Digest (Cat.No.98TH8373). IEEE, New York, NY, USA; 1998; viii+145 pp. p.84-5.
  37. V.Gopal, P.Chin, A.Vasiliev, J.Woodall, and E.Kvam, “Microstructural and Electrical Characterization of Misfit Diclocations at the InAs/GaP Heterointerface”, Proc. MRS xi+357, 63 (1998).
  38. V. Gopal, T.P. Chin, A.L. Vasiliev, J. M. Woodall and E.P. Kvam, “Microstructural and Electrical Characterization of Misfit Dislocations at the InAs/GaP Heterointerface” Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, December 1997.
  39. J. M. Woodall, “New Directions in Non-Lattice-Matched Epitaxy for Semiconductor Devices” 3rd International Workshop on Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices (HEAD ’97), Bratislava, Slovakia, October 12-16, 1997.[ INVITED]
  40. D. T. McInturff, E. S. Harmon, M. Hargis, and S. E. Ralph, “High Resistivity Iron doped InGaAs Grown by MBE for Photodetectors” Device Research Conference, June 1997, Fort Collins, CO.
  41. J. Ye, J. C. P. Chang, D. T. McInturff, M. R. Melloch, J. M. Woodall, D. T. Crouse, and D. D. Nolte, “Precipitation in Fe-doped GaAs or Ag-implanted Al0.3Ga 0.7As” Electronic Materials Conference,June 25-27, 1997, Fort Collins, Colorado.
  42. C. H. Chen, J. S. Reynolds, E. S. Harmon, J. M. Woodall, and M. R. Melloch, “High-Speed GaAs Light-Emitting Diodes,” Electronic Materials Conference, June 25-27, 1997, Fort Collins, Colorado.
  43. E. H. Chen, T. P. Chin, J. M. Woodall, M. S. Lundstrom, and J. C. P. Chang, “MBE of InGaAs/InAs/GaP and InGaAs/InP structures for small band gap device applications” Electronic Materials Conference, June 25-27, 1997, Fort Collins, Colorado.
  44. M.R. Melloch, I. Lahiri, D.D. Nolte, J.C.P. Chang, E.S. Harmon, J.M. Woodall, “High-quality, non-stoichiometric multiple quantum wells”, Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Quantum Confinement: Physic and Applications.Electrochem. Soc, Pennington, NJ, USA; 1996; ix+371 pp. 236-43.
  45. S.B. Samavedam, E.P.Kvam, G. Ford, B.W. Wessels, T.P. Chin, J.M. Woodall, “Defect structures in GaP/Si”, Evolution of Epitaxial Structure and Morphology.Symposium. Mater. Res. Soc, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 1996; xv+561  p.431-6.
  46. J.M.Woodall, D.B. Janes, M.P.Patkar, “Better Ohmic contacts and more device functionality through heavy doping”, 23rd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors.World Scientific, Singapore; 1996; 4 vol.(xxxviii+xxvii+xxx+xxvi+3460) pp. 3259-66 vol.4. (INVITED)
  47. I. Lahiri, D. D. Nolte, M. R. Melloch, J. M. Woodall, and W. Walukiewicz, “Transient Enhanced Diffusion in Nonstoichiometric Quantum Wells”, Gordon Research Conference on “Point & Line Defects in Semiconductors” Proctor Academy, Andover, NH, Aug. 18-23, 1996.
  48. J. M. Woodall, D. B. Janes, and M. P. Patkar, “Better Ohmic Contacts and More Device Functionality Through Heavy Doping” International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors July 1996, Berlin. [INVITED]
  49. M. O. Aboelfotoh, S. Oktyabrsky, J. Narayan, and J. M. Woodall, “Electrical and microstructural characteristics of Ge/Cu ohmic contacts to n-type GaAs” Proceedings of TMS (1996).
  50. I. Lahiri, J. C. P. Chang, J. M. Woodall, M. R. Melloch, and D. D. Nolte, “Enhanced Superlattice Disordering in Nonstoichiometric Quantum Wells” 38th Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, June 26-28, 1996.
  51. I. Lahiri, J. C. P. Chang, J. M. Woodall, M. R. Melloch, D. D. Nolte, “Anomalous Diffusion in Low-temperature-grown AlAs/GaAs Heterostructures” March ’96 Meeting of the American Physical Society St. Louis, MO, March 18-22, 1996.
  52. T. M. Pekarek, B. C. Crooker, I. Lahiri, D. D. Nolte, S. Li, M. McElfresh, J. C. P. Chang, E. S. Harmon, M. R. Melloch, J. M. Woodall, “Magnetic and Magneto resistance measurements on $Fe sub 3$ precipitates in GaAs” March ’96 Meeting of the American Physical Society, St. Louis, MO, March 18-22, 1996.
  53. E. Cohen, D. Janes, K. Webb, M. R. Melloch, D. McInturff, J. M. Woodall, “Dual-Channel Double-gated Real Space Transfer Device”, March ’96 Meeting of the American Physical Society, St. Louis, MO, March 18-22, 1996.
  54. S. Chaudhuri, P. Bagwell, D. McInturff, M. R. Melloch, J. M. Woodall, J. C. P. Chang, T. Pekarek, Ben Crooker, “Differential Conductance of Mesoscopic In-GaAs Superconductor-Normal Metal Junctions” March ’96 Meeting of the American Physical Society, St. Louis, MO, March 18-22, 1996.
  55. 1996 International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors[INVITED]
  56. D.D.Nolte, I. Lahiri, J. McKenna, R.S. Steldt, J.C.P. Chang, M.R. Melloch, J.M. Woodall, “Wannier excitons in a Coulomb cage”, 22nd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors.World Scientific, Singapore; 1995; 3 vol. (xl+xxvii+xxvi+2748) pp. 1775-8 vol.2.
  57. M.R.Melloch, E.S. Harmon, J.M. Woodall, D.D. Nolte, L. Carin. D.R. Kralj, J.C.P. Chang, N. Otsuka, “Cluster engineering for photoconductive switches”, Source  Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 2. Proceedings of the Second International Conference. Plenum Press, New York, NY, USA; 1995; xi+605 pp. p.25-31.
  58. M.P. Patkar, J.M. Woodall, T.P. Chin, M.S. Lundstrom, M.R. Melloch, “Non-alloyed contacts to GaAs using non-stoichiometric GaAs”, Compound Semiconductors 1994.Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Symposium. IOP Publishing, Bristol, UK; 1995; xxvii+912 pp.717-20.
  59. T. P. Chin, J. C. P. Chang, and J. M. Woodall, “InGaP/GaAs/InGaP double-heterojunction bipolar transistors grown by solid-sourcemolecular beam epitaxy with a valved phosphorus cracker” 1995 North American MBE Conference, College Park, MD Sept. 17-20, 1995.
  60. M. R. Melloch, I. Lahiri, D. D. Nolte, J. C. P. Chang, E. S. Harmon, J. M. Woodall, N. Y. Li, and C. W. Tu, “Molecular-Beam Epitaxy of High-Quality, Non-Stoichiometric Multiple Quantum Wells,” 1995 North American MBE Conference, College Park, MD, Sept. 17-20, 1995.
  61. M. R. Melloch, I. Lahiri, D. D. Nolte, J. C. P. Chang, E. S. Harmon, and J. M. Woodall, “High-Quality, Non-Stoichiometric Multiple Quantum Wells,” The Electrochemical Society 188th Meeting, Chicago, IL, Oct. 8-13, 1995.
  62. K-C. Huang, V. Kolagunta, A. Przadka, H-J. Ueng, N-P. Chen, D. B. Janes, K. J. Webb, M. R. Melloch, and J. M. Woodall, “High-Speed Applications of Quantum Electronic Devices,” Workshop on Applications of Radio Science, Canberra, Australia, June 25-27, 1995.
  63. J. C. P. Chang, T. P. Chin, and J. M. Woodall, “Incoherent Interface of InAs Grown on GaP (001),” 37th Electronic Materials Conference, June 21-23, 1995, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
  64. T. M. Pekarek, B. C. Crooker, D. D. Nolte, J. C. P. Chang, E. S. Harmon, M. R. Melloch, and J. M. Woodall, “Magnetic Measurements on Fe3GaAs Precipitates in GaAs,” 37th Electronic Materials Conference, June 21-23, 1995, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
  65. E. H. Chen, T. P. Chin, M. R. Melloch and J. M. Woodall, “The Use of Annealed LTG-GaAs as a Selective Photoetch-stop Layer,” 37th Electronic Materials Conference, June 21-23, 1995, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
  66. I. Lahiri, E. S. Harmon, J. C. P. Chang, M. R. Melloch, J. M. Woodall and D. D. Nolte, “Sharp Exciton Spectra in Low-Temperature-Growth Quantum Wells,” 37th Electronic Materials Conference, June 21-23, 1995, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
  67. J. C. P. Chang, E. S. Harmon, M. R. Melloch, J. M. Woodall, T. M. Pakarek, B. C. Crooker, J. M. McKenna, and D. D. Nolte, “Structural, Electrical, and Magnetic Properties of Novel Magnetic/Semiconductor Composite: GaAs with FexGaAs or Ni xGaAs Nanoclusters,” 8th Int’l. Conf. on Superlattices, Microstructures and Microdevices, January 1995.
  68. E. B. Cohen, J. S. Shenoy, D. B. Janes, K. J. Webb, J. M. Woodall, and M. R. Melloch, “A 2DEG/Low-Temperature-Grown GaAs Dual Channel Heterostructure Transistor,” 8th Int’l Conf. on Superlattices, Microstructures and Microdevices, January 1995.
  69. V. Fischer, P. E. Viljoen, E. Ristolainen, P. H. Holloway, W. V. Lampert, T. W. Haas, and J. M. Woodall, “The Effects of Interfacial Reactions in the Formation of Ohmic Contacts to GaAs,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 337 (1994), p. 413.
  70. M. P. Patkar, J. M. Woodall, T. P. Chin, M. S. Lundstrom, and M. R. Melloch, “Non-Alloyed Contacts to GaAs Using Non-Stoichiometric GaAs,” Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., No. 141, Ch. 6, p. 717 (1995).
  71. D. D. Nolte, I. Lahiri, J. McKenna, R. S. Steldt, J. C. P. Chang, M. R. Melloch and J. M. Woodall, “Wannier Excitons in a Coulomb Cage,” 22nd Int’l. Conf. on Phys. Semicond., Vancouver, Canada, Aug. 15-19, 1994.
  72. M. P. Patkar, J. M. Woodall, T. P. Chin, M. S. Lundstrom, and M. R. Melloch, “Non-Alloyed Contacts to GaAs Using Non-Stoichiometric GaAs,” 21st ISCS, San Diego, CA, September 1994.
  73. M. P. Patkar, T. P. Chin, J. M. Woodall, M. S. Lundstrom, and M. R. Melloch, “Very Low Resistance Non-Alloyed Ohmic Contacts Using As-Rich GaAs,” 1994 Device Research Conference (DRC) Boulder, CO, June 20-22, 1994.
  74. M. R. Melloch, J. M. Woodall, E. S. Harmon, N. Atique, D. D. Nolte, J. C. P. Chang, and N. Otsuka, “Semi-Insulating Optoelectronic Composites: GaAs with Metallic Inclusions,” 8th Conference on Semi-Insulating III-V Materials, Warsaw, Poland, June 6-10, 1994.
  75. V. Mahadev, M. R. Melloch, J. M. Woodall, N. Otsuka, and G. L. Liedl, “Effect of Dopants on Arsenic Precipitation in GaAs Deposited at Low Temperatures,” presented at Microstructure of Deposited Thin Films Conference.
  76. V. Fischer, P. E. Viljoen, E. Ristolainen, P. H. Holloway, W. V. Lampert, T. W. Haas, and J. M. Woodall, “The Effects of Interfacial Reactions in the Formation of Ohmic Contacts to GaAs,” Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, April 4-8, 1994.
  77. M. R. Melloch, E. S. Harmon, D. D. Nolte, L. Carin, D. R. Kralij, J. M. Woodall, and N. Otsuka, “Arsenic Cluster Engineering for Photoconductive Switches,” 2nd Int’l Conf. on Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics, New York City, April 5-7, 1994. [INVITED]
  78. J. M. Woodall, “Contactless Electromodulation Characterization of Compound Semiconductor Surfaces and Device Structures,” MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Proceedings of the Materials Research Society, Vol. 324, p. 141 (1994).
  79. R. M. Feenstra, A. Vaterlaus, J. M. Woodall, D. A. Collins, and T. C. McGill, “Cross-sectional Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of III-V Semiconductor Structures,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 332 (1994), pp. 15-23.
  80. F. H. Pollak, H. Qiang, D. Yan, Y. Yin, and J. M. Woodall, “Contactless electro-modulation for the characterization of semiconductor surfaces/interfaces,” First Int’l Symposium on Control of Semiconductor Interfaces, Karuizawa, Japan, Nov. 8-12, 1993.
  81. P. H. Holloway, V. Fischer, P. Viljoen, W. V. Lampert, T. W. Haas, and J. W. Woodall, “Segregation and Regrowth Effects in the Formation of Ohmic contacts on GaAs,” 40th National Symposium and Topical Conferences of the AVS, November 15-19, 1993.
  82. M. R. Melloch, N. Otsuka, E. S. Harmon, D. D. Nolte, J. M. Woodall, and D. T. McInturff, “Physics and Applications of Metallic Arsenic Clusters in GaAs Based Layer Structures,” Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Ternary and Multinary Compounds, Yokohama, (Jap. J. Appl. Phys.) (1993) Suppl. 32-3, pp. 771-774. INVITED
  83. 1993 March APS Meeting [INVITED]
  84. M. R. Melloch, N. Otsuka, K. Mahalingam, A. C. Warren, J. M. Woodall, and P. D. Kirchner, “Incorporation of Excess Arsenic in GaAs and AlGaAs Epilayers Grown at Low Substrate Temperatures by Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 241, 1992, p. 113.
  85. A. C. Warren, J. M. Woodall, J. H. Burroughes, P. D. Kirchner, H. K. Heinrich, G. Arjavalingam, N. Katzenellenbogen, D. Grischkowsky, M. R. Melloch, N. Otsuka, K. Mahalingam, F. H. Pollak, and X. Yin, “The Electrical and Optical Properties of GaAs with As Precipitates (GaAs:As),” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 241, 1992, p. 15.
  86. *R. E. Viturro, M. R. Melloch, and J. M. Woodall, “Cathodoluminescence and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy Study of Low Temperature Molecular Beam Epitaxy GaAs,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 241, 1992, p. 81.
  87. L. J. Brillson, I. M. Vitomirov, A. Raisanen, S. Chang, R. E. Viturro, P. D. Kirchner, G. D. Pettit, and J. M. Woodall, “Process-Dependent Electronic Structure at Metallized GaAs Contacts,” Proceedings of the Materials Research Society, Vol. 260, p. 449-455, 1992.
  88. X. Yin, X. Guo, F. H. Pollak, G. D. Pettit, J. M. Woodall, and E-H. Cirlin, “Electromodulation of Semiconductors and Semiconductor Microstructures Utilizing a New Contactless Technique,” Proc. of SPIE, 1678, 1992, 168.
  89. H. Qiang, Y. S. Huang, F. H. Pollak, G. D. Pettit and J. M. Woodall, “Temperature Dependence of the 11H Photoreflectance Lineshape in an (001) In0.21Ga0.79As/GaAs Single Quantum Well,” Proc. of SPIE, 1678, 1992, 177.
  90. 1991 MRS Fall Meeting [INVITED]
  91. 1991 Gordon Research Conference on Inorganic Thin Films[INVITED]
  92. A. C. Warren, N. Katzenellenbogen, D. Grischkowsky, and J. M. Woodall, “Characterization of Terahertz Optoelectronic Behavior of GaAs Epilayers Containing Arsenic Precipitates,” OSA Proceedings on Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics, Vol. 9, Sollner and Shah, (Eds.), 1991, p. 242.
  93. “Temperature Dependence of the Photo-Modulated Spectrum of a InGaAs/GaAs Single Quantum Well,” Proc. 1990 International Superlattice Conference, Berlin.
  94. X. Yin, H.-M. Chen, Z. Hang, F. H. Pollak, J. M. Woodall, P. P. Kirchner, and G. D. Pettit, “Evolution of the Surface Voltage of Air Exposed MBE-Grown (100) GaAs,” Proc. 20th ICPS, 1990, Thessenlonika, Greece.
  95. A. C. Warren and J. M. Woodall, “Epi-GaAs Surface Treatment – Impact of Mixed Phases on Device Performance,” J. Electrochem. Soc., Proc. Vol. 90-9, 371 (1990).INVITED
  96. J.M. Woodall“Resonant Tunneling IR Detectors,” Conference Proc., Innovative Long Wavelength Infrared Detector Workshop, 257, July 1, (1990). [140]
  97. 1990 March APS Meeting [INVITED]
  98. L. J. Brillson, R. E. Viturro, S. Chang, J. L. Shaw, C. Mailhiot, R. Zanoni, Y. Hwu, G. Margaritondo, P. Kirchner, and J. M. Woodall, “New Electronic Properties of Metal/III-V Compound Semiconductor Interfaces,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 148, 1989, p. 103. INVITED
  99. H. Shen, Z. Hang, S. H. Pan, F. H. Pollak, J. M. Woodall, T. F. Kueck, and R. N. Sacks, “Study of Trap States in GaAs and GaAlAs Using Contactless Photoreflectance,” 19th Inter. Conf. on the Physics of Semicon., Warsaw, 1988.
  100. J. M. Woodall, “Semiconductor Device Research Using Non-Lattice Matched Structures,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 126, 3 (1988). INVITED
  101. C. R. Wie, K. Xie, H. M. Kim, J. F. Chen, G. Burns, F. H. Dacol, G. D. Pettit, and J. M. Woodall, “Characterization of MeV Ion-Implanted GaInAs/GaAs Using X-ray and Raman Techniques,” SPIE Proc., 946, 1988, p. 155.
  102. G. Burns, C. R. Wie, F. H. Dacol, G. D. Pettit, and J. M. Woodall, “Phonon Shifts and Strains in Strain-Layered GaInAs,” Mat. Res. Soc. Fall Proc., C102, 1988.
  103. C. R. Wie, K. Xie, G. Burns, F. H. Dacol, D. Pettit, and J. M. Woodall, “X-ray and Raman Studies of MeV Ion Implanted GaInAs/GaAs,” Mat. Res. Soc. Proc., E104, 1988, p. 499.
  104. E. A. Fitzgerald, P. D. Kirchner, G. D. Pettit, J. M. Woodall, and D. G. Ast, “The Formation and Cathodoluminescence Activity of Buffer Layer Edge Dislocations in InGaAs/GaAs Heterostructures,” Mat. Res. Soc. Proc., yy, 1988.
  105. R. F. C. Farrow, S. S. P. Parkin, V. S. Speriosu, C. H. Wilts, R. B. Beyers, P. Pitner, J. M. Woodall, S. L. Wright, P. D. Kirchner, and G. D. Pettit, “MBE Growth and Properties of Fe Films on Lattice-Matched GaInAs Films,” Mat. Res. Soc. Proc., xxx, 1988, p. 483.
  106. 1987 National ACS Meeting [INVITED]
  107. J. M. Woodall, “Metal Contacts to III-V Semiconductors,” AIP Conference Series, 138, p. 223, New York 1986.INVITED
  108. 1986 International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors[INVITED]
  109. 1985 Gordon Research Conference on Point and Line Defects[INVITED]
  110. 1985 AVS Meeting (National Meeting) [INVITED]
  111. 1984 PCSI-11 Meeting [INVITED]
  112. 1984 March APS Meeting [INVITED]
  113. 1984 Gordon Research Conference on Photoconductivity[INVITED]
  114. J. M. Woodall, “Compound Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces: Whence Fermi Level Pinning?” Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 37, 1984, p. 381. INVITED
  115. A. Bond, P. Parayanthal, F. H. Pollak and J. M. Woodall, “Nuclear Profiling of Aluminum in GaAlAs Heterostructures,” SPIE, 452, 1983, p. 195.
  116. J. M. Woodall, “III-V Materials Technology,” Electrochem Soc. Proc., Vol. 82-5, 1982, p. 45. INVITED
  117. 1981 Gordon Research Conference on Electrochemistry[INVITED]
  118. 1981 AVS Meeting (National Meeting) [INVITED]
  119. 1980 AIME Meeting (National Meeting) [INVITED]
  120. 1979 Electrochemical Society Symposium on Epitaxy[INVITED]
  121. 1978 March APS Meeting [INVITED]
  122. J. O. Olowolafe, P. S. Ho, H. J. Hovel and J. M. Woodall, “Temperature Effects on Reaction Kinetics and Electrical Properties of Pd Contacts on GaAs Devices,” Electrochem. Soc. Proc., Vol 78-2, 1978, p. 54, Ed. Baglin and Poate.
  123. J. M. Woodall, “State-of-the-Art Homojunction Cells,” Proc. of the Electrochem. and Phys. of Semiconductor-Liquid Interfaces Under Illumination, Ed. A Heller, Arlie VA, Vol. 77-3ECS, 1977, p. 20. INVITED
  124. 1977 Gordon Research Conference on Defects[INVITED]
  125. 1976 Electrochemical Society Symposium on Solar Energy[INVITED]
  126. J. J. Cuomo, J. M. Woodall, and T. H. DiStefano, “Dendritic Tungsten for Solar-Thermal Conversion,” American Electroplaters Society, Coatings for Solar Collectors Symposium, Atlanta GA. Nov. 1976. INVITED
  127. H. J. Hovel and J. M. Woodall, “Diffusion Length Improvements in GaAs Associated with Zn Diffusion During GaAlAs Growth,” IEEE 1975 Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, 1975, p. 433.
  128. H. J. Hovel and J. M. Woodall, “Theoretical and Experimental Evaluations of Ga1-x AlxAs-GaAs Solar Cells,” IEEE 1973 Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Palo Alto, Ca., 1974, p. 25.
  129. 1972 Gordon Research Conference on Semiconductors[INVITED]
  130. H. J. Hovel, J. M. Woodall, and W. E. Howard, “The Spectral Response and Conversion Efficiency of Ga1-xAlx As-GaAs Solar Cells,” 1972 Symposium on GaAs, Boulder, Colorado, p. 205.
  131. J. M. Blum, K. L. Konnerth, J. C. Marinace and J. Woodall, “Degradation of GaAs and GaAlAs Light Emitting Diodes,” Reliability Conference, Las Vegas, (1969).

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